Taking Responsibility for Death in William Shakespeare's Macbeth

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Taking Responsibility for Death in William Shakespeare's Macbeth

Macbeth's striving for power affects every aspect of his life, and

this motivation eventually leads to his demise. With his wife's

cajoling, and the three witches´ foretelling of his future Macbeth, is

convinced that he must be King of Scotland. All three of the above

affect Macbeth and eventually lead to the death of Duncan. In this

essay I will study who if anyone, is the most to blame

The three witches are introduced right at the beginning of the play.

They recount to Macbeth three prophesies. That Macbeth will be Thane

of Cawdor, Thane of Glamis and King. "All hail Macbeth, hail to thee,

Thane of Glamis." "All hail Macbeth, hail to thee, Thane of Cawdor."

"All hail Macbeth, that shalt be king hereafter." These predictions

introduce Macbeth to ideas of greatness. Macbeth then finds out that

he is Thane of Cawdor. This fuels his ambition and makes him feel that

if the witches can be right once then they may be right again i.e. He

will be king. At this stage he is not confident enough to actually

commit the murder and so leaves it to fate to decide, "If chance will

have me king, why chance may crown me without my stir".

The witches foretold the future, they planted the seed in his brain,

and influenced Macbeth, and because they had told Macbeth that he

would be King he became impatient and tried to hurry it as quickly as

he could. But they can not control him. The three Witches are only

responsible for the introduction of these ideas and for further

forming ideas in Macbeth head, but they are not responsible for his

actions throughout the play.

Macbeths friend and fellow soldier, Banquo says, "The instruments of

darkness tell us truths, win us with honest trifles, to betray in

deepest consequence (1, 3, 123-125)." He thinks and says bad things of

the witches. He calls them instruments of darkness and the devil. He

might believe that these prophecies will only bring harm even before

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