Taking A Look At Telesures Code Of Ethics

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Telesures code of ethics` intended purpose is to define the companies culture and regulate the behaviour of employees, managers, leadership accordingly. This is achieved by providing a guideline as to what behaviour and conduct is deemed acceptable by the organisation; communicating and ensuring that employees align their behaviour and conduct to that of the organisations expectations which tone for the code of conduct is well aligned, easily readiable and easily understood
In assessing the completeness of the information in the code of ethics the Global business standards codex was used. The code is based on certain principles. They are namely, the fiduciary, property , reliability, transparency, dignity, fairness and citizenship principles …show more content…

Telesures code includes in its conduct the required protection of the companies assets. The also includes the use of company time and assets strictly for the use of company. Failure to due so will be unethical as you are expeced to carry out work strictly to benefit the company in the time you are being remunerated for. Additionally the employee is expected to behave in a professional manner, refraining from excessive gifts and the disclosure thereof.
The property principle consists of protection and theft (Payne, et al., 2005:5). This was included in the code of ethics whereby protecting company belongings, refraining from theft and the safe gaurding of intellectual property was covered. This includees the protection of its information, sharing and distributing confidential information. The code covers this extensively as telesures focus on finding innovative ways to do things results in a risk of competitors that want to acquire trade secrets; therefore every employee has a responsibility to …show more content…

Engaging in free competition, refraining from collusion, bribery and corruption. Aligning the company through corporate citinzenship by reinforcing law and regulation. That the actions of employees in a illegal way will not be acceptable by the company which abides to rule of law.
The code of conduct after analysing through the global business standards (Payne, et al., 2005:3) codex the following are recommended after consideration of the companies code and practices.
The code states that, “Telesure has the right to amend or modify the code as it deems appropriate without prior notice, consultation or agreement.”
It does however states that all amendments will be communicated to staff members. An alternative apporach should be taken instead of a “comply or bear the consequences” approach. The code of conduct should be more than a document and become part of practice, reinforcing the importance of it as well as encouraging a platform to ask questions. This should form part of orinentaion of new employees as well as refreshers done with existing staff members. It should consist of training and ongoing refreshers, getting feedback and creating continous feedback (Jensen,, 2014:336) It is not sufficient only to publish information. It should be in the form of training if such emphasis is placed on code of conduct

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