Tadi: A Short Story

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It was earlier that day when the gods found tenochtitlan, a remote city in the middle of a lake that Tadi lived in. Tadi was at the festival selling his animal hides but Nightfall was his to keep. The festival had huge carvings of the gods for sale, music that sounded like the rain and animal hides hanging like banners on long strings. MoctezumaⅡwas welcoming the man that was possessed by Quetzalcoatl the god of the sun and the man right next to him who claimed to be Tlaloc the god of rain. Tadi was so happy that he finally got to see a god in human form. After the festival tadi went home and started getting ready to skin Nightfall. Tadi’s home was not cluttered unlike Zuma’s house. Tadi’s house had everything in its own place and Tadi also had delicate skins on his walls and floors. It even had a butcher house that was red from blood. He skinned it slowly to make it look like it was suffering. “At least I’ll make you into a nice Nightfall,” Tadi whispered to the dead jaguar. He skinned the jaguar in the …show more content…

The town square at the time was decorated with crimson flags that had gods painted onto them. When Tadi got there Zuma was quivering all over. Then Zuma told him very horrid news. “Tadi there was a massacre at the great temple and the people who claimed they were gods killed them.” Tadi gasped. “How do you know this?” asked Tadi. “I was traveling there when I heard screams so I hid behind a rock and I saw the so-called gods walking away with heads of Moctezuma’s citizens on their spears and blood gushing out the door of the temple. I was almost caught by some guy that was smart enough to check for survivors. He saw me but I turned around and ran all the way here to tell Moctezuma,” replied Zuma. “Wow,” said Tadi who was now also quivering all over. “You need to tell Moctezuma right now.” “Okay,” said Zuma. “but can I come too by any chance?” asked Tadi. “Sure,” replied Zuma so they walked to the palace

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