Syrian Refugees Research Paper

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The terrorist attacks on Paris furthered the rejection of Syrian refugees by enhancing the Islamophobia against Syrians, feeding to the Anti Syrian Sentiment. The international community used the fear produced from the Paris attacks to develop more restrictive policies such as closing borders, refugee detainment, and Syrian refugees now seek shelter with the negative stigma of being associated to terrorism.
On the night of November 13th, six specific Parisian local hotspots, chosen by ISIS extremists, were bombarded with explosives and gunfire. The main players involved were ISIS extremists against French people. The motive behind this massacre was to attack sites that were against the moral values of ISIS. The Islamic State refers to Paris …show more content…

There is a lack of aid for the countries attracting the most refugees as a result of the proximity to conflict zones is not effect governance. There should be strategies to share the burden among countries accepting refugees; and a renewed focus on addressing the underlying issues that motivated refugees to flee their home countries. Refugees face on a societal level is the ability to support themselves.” Davis described the local- and family-level challenges faced by those considering fleeing from conflict. She also brought attention to the disproportionate impact that the refugee crisis has on the already impoverished communities of the host …show more content…

Still inside Syria, there are 7.6 million displaced by the chaos. These last, mainly Sunni Syrians, are especially vulnerable now that Russia, the main ally of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad after Shia Iran, has stormed into Syria and targeted most of its air strikes on non-Isis rebels caught between the regime and the jihadis’ so-called Islamic State. Walid Jumblatt, Lebanese leader, says most of these internal refugees will be permanently displaced, as the war fractures Syria on ethno-sectarian demographic lines. Jumblatt says, “The 7-8 million displaced will never be able to return to their homes and villages”. “They have been ethnically cleansed.” (CNN) Asylum seekers and refugees are running out of places to flee. Many could swell the Syrian migration just as aid turns against refugees. Still others could be driven to seek refuge with Isis, in its self-declared caliphate. This requires a political solution. Without a resolution, the refugee numbers expand and the duration of exile lengthens. The hope withers and refugees become frantic. At the same time, a gradual disproportionate weight arises to many developing countries that continue to host the majority of the world’s refugees. A solution to alleviate the burden on less developed host countries is for more developed nations to take some of the most vulnerable

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