Synthesis Essay: The Harmful Effects Of Mistakes

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Most people think mistakes can lead to huge discoveries but, they usually lead to huge problems. Mistakes are no a key part of discovery because big helpful discoveries take lots of research, most mistakes lead to problems, but on the other hand some cool discoveries can be made by mistakes. Mistakes just slow down the process of important discoveries.
To begin with, big helpful discoveries take lots of research. The discoveries people need the most is life changing, flabbergasting, the one that make an impact. Not useless childish discoveries. In “In Praise of Careful Science” it states that “Denker describes how magnetrons and radar were discovered. They were researched for years.” People use magnetrons and radars for certain very useful things and these discoveries took lots of careful research. Life impacting discoveries take years of research.
In addition, most mistakes lead to monumental problems. A tiny incident can have very harmful actions. Mistakes can also make finding cures and other things twice as difficult. In “Lost Cities, Lost Treasure” it states …show more content…

Many people don’t know if they’re going to make a mistake and it could be really bad or really amazing. In “How a Melted Bar of Chocolate Changed Our Kitchens” states that “Minutes later, the man we can thank for microwave popcorn had a discovery on his hands.” Lots of people love popcorn but, didn’t know this discovery was made by pure accident. Many other wonderful discoveries was made by a simple mistakes. Some cool discoveries have can be made by mistakes. To be fair, discoveries can be made by research or by mistakes. Many helpful discoveries have came from both sides and they’re used daily. In “Lost Cities, Lost Treasure” states “Although he and Calvert both discovered treasure, the damage done to the site was profound.” Both ways have their own flaws to them. Time and research or mistakes, they both bring in important

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