Synthesis Essay: Does Religion Exist Today?

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For centuries, religion has been a topic of great debate and interest, stemming from the validity of ideals to reasons why people believe in it in the first place. Despite all the efforts over time to thwart religion, it has managed to remain as a prominent structure. One question that seems to always be brought to the table is how religion continues to exist in light of the continual advances of science. The reason religion continues to exist today is not because the furthering of science leads to disproving religion, but rather because religion addresses questions that currently not even the advances of science can answer, giving people a sense of unity and congregation based upon two key emotions: hope and fear. However, as with science, religion too evolves and grows over time, and unbeknownst to the individuals, eventually intertwines itself amongst the foundation of society to the point where it can no longer be separated. The feeling of hope is an essential emotion …show more content…

It has lasted many times longer than anyone has even been alive, and in agreement with Marx, there is ultimately a great amount of truth and falsehood in every system. We must learn as much as we can from every school of thought, because there was a valuable human being behind each word that was spoken. In an age where every culture and its religions are clashing and morphing more than ever before, religious tolerance is the only solution if we are to survive as a species. It is our moral obligation to reject any ideas that spread fear and division and to promote all which embodies love and universal acceptance. It is an uncertainty as to whether concrete religion will continue on in the future; but it is my true hope that whatever happens, world spirituality will change to be a much happier reality, for better religions and a better

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