Synthative Essay: The Importance Of Coral Reefs

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Coral Reefs
Today many people do not see the need to preserve corals reefs. Hence because of the lack of appreciation for the reefs, they are slowly disappearing. Many citizens do not realize the importance of these reefs, the species they hold, and the food webs that connect the ecosystems. Our American government has stated many times that they are doing all they can to preserve and to replenish our coral reefs. However, how accurate is that statement? To answer these questions, we first have to understand what a coral reef is and how it can be saved.
A coral reef is scientifically defined as limestone ridges that are created out of coral animals. These types of tiny animals are called coral polyps. Overtime, coral polys produce and accumulate into limestone. Inside the cracks and chinks of the limestone reside thousands of species. Since there are so many diverse species that live in the limestone, coral reefs make up some of the most diverse ecosystems on the Earth. These ecosystems can only function in clear, warm salt water, which is usually located in tropical regions. These reefs are usually located in shallow waters so that they are close to the surface. They are situated in this environment so that there is enough sunlight for photosynthesis which is important for the growth and development of the reefs.
There are examples of corals reefs found all over the Earth in tropical environments. These reefs are divided into three categories; fringing, barrier, and atolls. Fringing coral reefs are relatively close to land and unlike other reefs they do not have a lagoon area. These reefs are frequently found in the Caribbean. In the Caribbean, the Netherlands Antilles is a popular hot spot for diving is Bonaire. At this cor...

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...tion and regular control programs for different types of waste-water discharge. The EPA supports all acts that could help save our reefs or to find the causes on why our reefs are disappearing.

In all our government is doing a good job on researching information to help protect our coral reefs. However, the government can work on enforcing these acts. Yes, the EPA has done a significant amount of programs that are designed to solely protect our coral reefs. However, another important part of saving our coral reefs is informing the communities to help take a part and say what they can do personally. There is always so much more people can do but it all depends on how people as individual citizens react to the governments propositions to save our oceans. Overall though, the government is managing saving our coral reefs in a well-designed manner.

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