Synonym Quotes

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Dappled: “...through the dappled fall colors of the woods”(Dessen 6). Dappled- marked with spots or rounded patches. Synonyms: Antonyms: Checkered Unspotted Discolored Uncolored That girl with the dappled skin, she is the prettiest. Grapple: “...would grapple with from that point on” (Dessen 9). Grapple- to try to overcome or deal with something. Synonyms: Antonyms: Confront Agree Contend Avoid The girl tried to grapple with her emotions. Abhor-Abhorred: “...[who abhorred the habit] put out there just for him” (Dessen 14). Abhorred- to regard with sever repugnance; loathe, hate. Synonyms: Antonyms: Detest Admire Despise Cherish She abhorred cigarettes, they were disgusting. Gaunt: “I’d try to explain as the gaunt, heavily nipped-and-tucked one-time Playmate had yet another meltdown” (Dessem 15). …show more content…

Synonyms: Antonyms: Angular Joyful Anorexic Thick The child was very gaunt from starvation. Stagnant: “Music isn’t stagnant, right? ” (Dessen 46). Stagnant- inactive, sluggish or dull. Synonyms: Antonyms: Dormant Active Stationary Alert The mousetrap car was stagnant, it would not move an inch. Flourish: “...too close again before winding up the final cords with a flourish” (Dessen 54). Flourish- to brandish dramatically; to gesticulate. Synonyms: Antonyms: Flaunt Conceal Display Hide He ended the song with a very dramatic flourish at the end. Addendums: “(This last one had subrules and addendums, as well)” (Dessen 81). Addendums- something to be added; in addition. Synonyms: Antonyms: Appendix Decrease Postscript Reduction She made revisions and addendums to her

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