Symbols In The Kite Runner By Khaled Hosseini

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Symbols are something that represent or stand for something else, especially a material object representing something abstract. In “The Kite Runner” by Khaled Hosseini, Hosseini demonstrates symbolic meanings throughout the entire novel by involving them into an epic tale of betrayal and eventual redemption. Every symbol contributed a large part of the reader’s understanding of the story. Three very important symbols in the novel were; the pomegranate tree, Amir’s scar above his lip, and the title itself. For instance, the pomegranate tree was a very important symbol throughout the novel due to it representing Amir, and Hassan’s relationship. While Amir and Hassan are young and carefree and as close as a servant and master can be, they carve their names in the tree as "Amir and Hassan, the sultans …show more content…

Amir’s scar resembles the scar Hassan had, also on his lip. This is both ironic and symbolic. Amir’s new scar makes him a lot more like Hassan because just like how he rescues Shoran from Assef, Hassan had in a way rescued Amir from Assef many years ago. Something that "he (Assef) fished out of [his] pocket didn't surprise [Amir] one bit" (Hosseini 287) because it was Assef’s brace chain that he also had pulled out on Hassan years ago. Amir’s scar represents his loyalty toward Hassan and Shoran due to his courageous act of fighting Assef in which Amir was almost beat to death but “[Amir’s] body [may have been] broken—but [he] felt healed. Healed at last. [he said as he] laughed” (p. 289). The scar not only shows bravery but shows how Amir has transformed from a selfish child to a selfless adult. He changed his personality to what Hassan’s which is what the hare-lip represents. Amir’s scar became a badge of honour and he is no longer burdened with the shame he carried ever since him and Hassan were

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