Symbols And Allegory In Lord Of The Flies By William Golding

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The novel Lord of the Flies by William Golding is about the survival of a group of boys stranded on an island and the inherent evil inside of them. A group of young, British boys crash onto an island and have to learn how to survive without grownups to look after them. Ralph is chosen as the leader of the boys, but he is constantly challenged by Jack. Jack soon turns all the boys against Ralph, mostly using fear, leaving Ralph, Piggy, and Simon. They are the only boys left that have goodness inside them after Jack takes the other boys on the island and makes them part of his tribe. In Lord of the Flies by William Golding, biblical symbols and allegories are used throughout the novel to show the inherent evil of man. Three important symbols …show more content…

Simon is somewhat of a prophet like Jesus Christ. He said to Ralph “‘You’ll get back to where you came from [...] I just think you’ll get back all right’” (Golding 12). When Simon says this, he emphasized the word “you”, implying that Ralph will definitely return home, but he doesn’t say “we” or “us”. He foreshadows that he, himself, will not make it home, which turns out to be true. All the other boys that are still alive, including Ralph, are rescued, but Simon dies before he has the chance to go home. Throughout the boy’s time on the island, Simon showed many qualities of Jesus Christ, from his actions towards the others to his death, and he represented goodness. He cared about the feelings of the other boys and always wanted to help. When the littluns can’t reach the fruit trees, he grabs the fruit for them. He, like Jesus, is good with children and helps provide food for them. He puts the other children before himself. When Jack won’t give Piggy any meat, Simon gives him his own piece. Again, he is putting someone else’s needs before his own like Christ did. He constantly does this while he is on the island. When Ralph is building the shelters, Simon was the only one to help him. When Jack hits Piggy and his glasses fall onto the ground, Simon finds them and gives them back. When the boys complain about a beast at the top of the island, Simon is

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