Symbolism Of The Red Colour

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ymbolism of the red color

Red as a synonym for beauty
In the Russian language red –красный and beautiful - красивый are cognates. They derive from the same root крас-. Precisely in this sense the word is used in a variety of idioms and in the language of folklore: красный молодец, красна девица, красный денек.

Red as a symbol of love
Red is the color of passion, romantic feelings. It has this meaning on its own as well as in combination with other symbols. Red roses and red heart, for example, stand for love.

Red as symbol of life and blood
As it was mentioned earlier, on the psychophysiological level, red has a stimulating effect on people. It naturally speeds up the metabolism and the heart rate. It is therefore not surprising that the red color also …show more content…

And in areas where there are pubs, there is still a custom to hang red lanterns, which is a hint of intimacy and prostitution; that is why such places are in red light districts.

The symbolism of the red color in everyday life
The expression to be in red comes from the fact that in the past, the bank employees recorded losses in red ink. Red color is commonly used as a warning of danger and as a signal "Stop".
In England, red color is very popular to this day. Buses and telephone boxes in England are red. British soldiers wear red coats as a part of their uniforms. There is even a term Red coat or Redcoat that used to refer to soldiers of the British Army. In England there is a holiday called Red Friday in honour of the Friday 31 July 1925, when the British government agreed to the demands of the Miners Federation of Great Britain to provide a subsidy to the mining industry to maintain miners' wages. Red color is present almost everywhere in England. Even Napoleon said: "Red is the color of England. I can’t stand it."

Red as a symbol of

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