Symbolism In The Truman Show

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I think that Truman represents every man, “true-man”; he is extremely relatable, has a sense of humor, character, and he is very sensitive to his gut feelings and what he thinks is right and wrong. Sylvia is his dream girl that he remembers from college who tried to tell him the truth. She is the only character who seems to actually care for Truman. She represents real love and caring in contrast to his fake relationship with his wife, who is only an actress. The thing that he holds onto the most about her besides her message is her eyes. The eyes represent the window to the soul. I love how they advertise in this movie; this represents all of the subliminal advertising that we witness every day. It’s right in front of us, right under our nose and most don’t even think twice about it; they simply consume, comply, and obey.
Christof represents the media monster, the maker behind the Truman Show with a God complex from hell. He has somehow convinced himself that this world will be better for Truman, when in reality he is making a mockery of his life while profiting from it. He has made himself out to be Truman’s creator and savior, when he is only holding him back from his true potential and violating Truman’s entire life. Marlon represents that …show more content…

Once they are faced with the fuzzy screen they simply change the channel. It was always as simple as just find something else to watch! So we can all only imagine how Truman’s life goes from leaving his prison aka ‘set’ and joining his soul mate, Sylvia and surely discovering what the real world is like. I am sure that he has no problems finding a spot in reality because of his fame from his show. To me this symbolizes idol worship as well. To be this fascinated with a human’s life is not very normal in my opinion. Yet somehow this movie depicts everyone being infatuated with it and watching like a soap

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