Symbolism In The Novel 'Paradise'

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The novel “Paradise” it has various significances not just its literary preference but the title itself. Paradise is very symbolic to the story because of the meaning of the word paradise itself, when a person comes across a word as such they first think of a tropical or a hard to reach place but to a person whose environment is hell to them paradise will be any place better than their usual place, the word paradise means a place where lost souls go and/welcome. In this novel women who were lost mentally, or maybe just running away physically found themselves in a place that could be considered as a withered paradise but since it was the only get away and the only place for them they made it out to be their “temporary’ paradise.
The main characters in this story are Mavis, Grace, Seneca and Divine. If a person was to ask how do I feel about these characters who is worthy of praise and/or criticism I would start off with describing Mavis a woman who lets her two infant children smoother in a hot car just to run in the store for some hot dog wieners, in her story it was never voi...

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