Symbolism In The Great Gatsby

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Signs, billboards, and advertisements entice people to buy new products. Some of these signs are projected to stand as mirrors and reflect the choices and actions that people make. Throughout the 1920s, people gradually took charge and spent beyond their means, not taking a second glance to perceive what the purpose of these signs were. In the novel, The Great Gatsby, F. Scott Fitzgerald distinguishes the eyes of Dr. T.J. Eckleburg on a billboard to convey remorse for the loss of spiritual values within the people in their quest to achieve wealth, signifying the meaninglessness of the world and how their blindness overtakes them.
The eyes of Dr. T.J. Eckleburg mend the sense of reality within the people of the West and East Egg. His eyes are described as “…blue and gigantic; their retinas are one yard high” and “dimmed a little by paintless days, under sun and rain” which “brood over the solemn dumping ground” (16). Through his large eyes, he is able to notice the actions that the people make. His eyes depict the only color left in the environment of the Valley of Ashes showing the lack of drive and motivation towards the American Dream. The billboard of Eckleburg’s eyes look over this wasteland where “spasms of bleak dust” tend to “drift endlessly over it” perceiving the peoples sight from truth (16). In the Valley of Ashes, there is a lack of hope. The people in the Valley of Ashes continuously pollute their home with garbage, ashes, and useless items. With the excess of pollution it portrays the people’s inability to pursue the American Dream. Due to this constant pollution, it becomes difficult for the people to truly understand the difference between reality and the illusion they live in. This reveals the awareness of knowing...

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... differentiates the eyes of Dr. T.J. Eckleburg on a billboard above the Valley of Ashes, to convey on the loss of spiritual values within the people and how they fervently quest for a new found wealth, implying the meaninglessness of the world and how blindness can overtake someone. The people consume themselves in pollution, therefore enabling it difficult to view hope of which entitles them to their destiny. The eyes thus signify a god-like figure of which judges the corrupt actions the people choose to do. The people are naïve and believe that luxuries and money make them happy, but the billboard of Eckleburg’s eyes reminds them that they will never truly be happy, no matter the circumstances. People focus an incessant amount of energy on material happiness, when truly the happiness comes from who the person is themselves and what they entail their destiny to be.

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