Symbolic Figure In The Gospel Of Luke

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In the Gospel of Luke, it is emphasized that God cares for the poor and lowly.The Gospel of Luke was written on 80-90 AD. Luke was a Gentile who converted to Christianity. He is also the companion of Saint Paul and the author of Acts of the Apostles. Luke aims to reach to the lowly through Jesus, by bringing them liberty and good news that they too are welcomed in heaven. Jesus shows this in many acts such as recovering sight of the blind, releasing the imprisoned, and freeing the oppressed. As a result, Luke shows Jesus as a compassionate savior because he seeks to save those who are in need and give the lowly God’s mercy.

In the Gospel of Luke, Jesus shares the life of the lowly and poor. Although he is a savior, he is also a human being who is often rejected during his ministry, just like how society view and often treat lowly people. “The one who has power on earth to cure the sick, forgive sins, and exorcise demons serves at table and is obedient to the …show more content…

One of the symbolic figures shown is Mary, who is the mother of Jesus. In Luke, Mary is said to follow along Jesus’ ministry even though she may not understand. Another figure that Luke emphasize is the sinful woman (1;36-50). The woman sinned a lot, however when Jesus came she washed and kissed his feet, put oil on his head and poured perfume on his feet. Because of her faithful act, she was forgiven. At the end of the parable, Jesus tells the woman that her faith has saved her. Another women in the ministry of Jesus is Elizabeth. Elizabeth is the wife of Zechariah. Elizabeth is righteous. She follows all the laws and commandments of God. As a result, she was approved by God. Because of her obedience, she was able to conceive at an old age. Her son’s name is John the Baptist. This is significant to Jesus because both Jesus and John are closely connected and John helped to deliver Jesus’

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