Of Monsters and Men: Ulysses' Odyssey

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Scylla and Charybdis
Charybdis was once a beautiful women. She won so much land for her father Poseidon that Zeus got very mad. He was so angry that he turned her into a monster. Ever since that happened, Charybdis has been trapped under the left hand rock. Another women named Scylla, lived under the right hand rock. She also was once a beautiful woman. Poseidon spied on her swimming one day and fell in love with her. His wife got really jealous and started crying. Therefore, Poseidon’s wife turned Scylla into a huge, fleshy spider with human flesh. Ulysses was trying to sail to Thrinacia. He told all of his men on the ship to sail through the middle because the two women were hiding under the sea on either side of them. When they got close to shore, the sea monster Scylla started rocking their boat back and forth and even ate 6 of his men. The ship almost went in the whirlpool, but they dodged it after fighting with the sea monster. Thrinacia was now in their reach.

Cattle of the Sun
Ulysses and his men doc on an island where the sun titan cattle lives. Right when they get off the boat, Ulysses tells his men to kill all of the Sun titan cattle. He said that because since he is …show more content…

Calypso is a beautiful titan. She is the daughter of Atlas. Calypso saved Ulysses from dying when he was floating in the middle the ocean. Finally, Ulysses was able to talk to Calypso about what just happened. He tried to escape by swimming, but calypso got him back. Calypso turned into a crow because Ulysses put a spell on her. A messenger came to tell Calypso that if she doesn’t set Ulysses free, that Zeus will sink her whole entire island. At last, she let Ulysses leave. He made a little raft out of wood and started to sail. He ran into a harsh storm on the way back that destroyed his raft. It was Poseidon that was making the storm in the sea. It was because he did not want Ulysses to make it back to his

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