Sydney Harris Nationalism

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Patriotism and nationalism represent contrasting matters depending on the individual being asked to what the event the topic is associated with. Although in many cases, the line between nationalism and patriotism is often hard to distinguish as other factors come in play when discussing such large concepts. On the other hand, Sydney J. Harris develops his opinion of the definition of nationalism and patriotism in the source provided. In addition, Sydney J. Harris does this by accentuating the clear gap between nationalism and patriotism. By initiating that nationalism leads to several extreme measures of dangers to the nation all because of an individual’s blind arrogance. Showcasing that Sydney J. Harris is an anti-nationalist as he uses negative …show more content…

I agree that nationalism is an element factoring in the rise of war, yet, I also believe that not all wars are the result of purely nationalist circumstances. Patriotism should also be acknowledge for the negative occurrences rather than the glorified patriotic perspective of just pride and devotion for one’s country as the source illustrates. This source is significant as it brings attention to how nationalism and patriotism may be seen today due to the incidents throughout history. As understanding that nationalism is a key element in building a nation and should not be categorized as a demonstration of blind arrogance that ultimately will lead to war. Ultimately, patriotism comes hand in hand with nationalism rather than a distinct barrier between the two which Sydney J. Harris does not support. The position Sydney J. Harris’s source took, should not be fully embraced to the maximum extent as the perspective of nationalism reflected in the source does not acknowledge all the positive perspectives of nationalism involved. In addition, the source falsely identifies the type of nationalism approached in the reference and the negative issues associated with …show more content…

Sydney J. Harris establishes the patriotic perspective by stating that a “patriot is proud of his country” and the “feeling of responsibility” that comes with being a patriot. In my perspective, patriotism is the component that lead to an individual to blindly be proud of their country no matter what it does. Moreover, my perspective of patriotism goes correspondly with Sydney J. Harris stand with nationalism. When an individual is so devoted to their nation they will ultimately accept matters that that nation will release even if the issue is not in their interests. An example of this is shown through events such as voting for Donald Trump. Donald Trump is the president of the United States of America with the slogan “Make America Great Again”. Initially, when I think of patriotism I imagine American flags and bald eagles. Additionally, the link between U.S.A and patriotism is so strong because of what the movies and books portray which leads to the citizens themselves expressing the similar emotion of deep love for their country. So when an individual like Donald Trump comes along with interest to “Make America Great Again” an American patriot would ultimately vote for Trump for president. Donald Trump being an extreme patriot is worrying for countries globally as many nation-states economics and social growth is directly linked to the United States. If we were to embrace the

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