Sustainable Peace

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Countries all have different cultures none of us share the same culture. So why are we trying to make other countries be like us? There are multiple reason as to why we are going into other countries and trying to make peace that we cannot achieve, but none of them seem like a really reasonable reason why we are going into other countries and making a mess. They just want peace in the world and they just want all of the countries to get along and have peace, but that is not what they are going to get out of this. Another reason is to pretty much save our own behinds because they don’t want the countries to come over and attack us and put our country in danger. Some of these countries don’t want our help but we are giving it to them anyway and that is why they are not listening to us and turning around and stabbing us in the back. If these countries wanted our help they would go and ask for it we don’t need to be sticking our nose in other people’s business because we want to, most people don’t like other people in their business. I guess for the sake of the country that the security sector reform is important, but it causes some problems. Countries in the past 30 years that have been in transition like Afghanistan has gone from authoritarian to democratic governance, Iraq has gone from war to peace, and how I think the best way to reform the security sector within the societies in transition should go.
One of the biggest known places that we have gone in and used our security sector reforms is in Iraq and that happened just a few years ago and that lasted about eight years and it went from war to peace and then back to war again. This would be the case of they were at war and we came in and messed everything up and then they li...

... middle of paper ... sector reform is not the best idea that we have ever had, but I think they have the right idea it just needs tweaked a little bit so that it is more effective. I think that we need to wait until the country is good and ready to change because if we go over there to early these countries are just going to end up back in the same place as they were before because they didn’t listen to us. If it becomes a danger to our country and the people in our country then I think we need to intervene because we don’t want to have the people in the U.S.A to be in danger and have to go through the dangers of war in their own country. I don’t think that these soldiers deserve to go to a country to die because we are too selfish to keep our nose out of other countries business I think they deserve way better than that and should be fighting for our country not someone else.

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