Sustainable Forest Management: The Key Elements Of Sustainable Forest Management

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Forest governance is the organizations, people, rules, instruments and processes through which decisions are made where forests are involved. Key elements of good forest governance include the existence of effective institutions, transparency, low levels of corruption, consistent and clear legislation, secure forest tenure and access rights, and political stability. The absence of these often lies at the root of illegal logging. This includes arrangements found in cultural traditions, laws, markets, and bureaucracies, which can influence how forests are managed, protected, and used. In recent years, additional efforts have been focused on assessing quality of governance of countries and organizations, as these elements are seen as critical to ensure sustainable forest management, reduce greenhouse gas emissions, and reduce illegal activity. DISCUSSION Sustainable Forest Management Sustainable forest management (SFM) is the management of forests according to sustainable development principles. SFM has to keep the balance between three main pillars, which are ecological, economic and socio-cultural. Achieving SFM successfully will provide integrated benefits to all, ranging from safe-guarding local livelihoods to protecting the biodiversity and ecosystems provided by forests, reducing rural …show more content…

Forest managers must assess and integrate a wide array of conflicting factors, from commercial and non-commercial values to environmental considerations, or community needs, and even global impact, to produce positive forest plans. In most cases, forest managers develop their forest plans in consultation with citizens, businesses, organizations and other interested parties in and around the forest tract being managed. The tools and visualization have been recently evolving for better management

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