Sustainability And Sustainability Crisis

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A Global Crisis


In understanding sustainability, every human being plays an important role. Sustainability can be defined as how human beings depend on the environment for various needs while ensuring that what the environment is offering them, would not be depleted so that the future generation can also benefit. Sustainability is best simplified as everything that the human population needs from the environment so as to maintain their survival (ABC-CLIO, 2012). The dependence can be either direct or indirectly, depending on the relationship between man and nature. In such instances, sustainability helps in ensuring that man and nature coexist in harmony while social and economic needs are achieved so as …show more content…

It involves environmental changes that prove to be negative in the long run. Such environmental changes include, the ozone layer depleting, loss of biodiversity, mass becoming extinct, degradation of land and the ecosystem, drought and increase of the desert space, water shortage crisis, and air and water pollution by harmful toxins released in the atmosphere and climate change. All these problems have some things in common (Smith, 1997). First, they all seem to be long term hence affecting the future generations. Secondly, they are all pervasive and exist in large scale. Sustainability crisis has evolved in the recent past to merge up with human caused problems, thus, becoming more serious and deadly. Human problems are quite evident in the present economic times. These problems include, war, excess population and overfishing. When they all merge up, they threaten the survival of man by negatively affecting the public health and livelihood of human beings. The person that is mostly affected is the poor person who does not have much to offer. As seen, Sustainability crisis evidently makes human condition unsustainable (Martin, …show more content…

People need to focus on economic globalization so as to prevent a global crisis. The effect of globalization on sustainability has been observed in previous years. Globalization has improved competence levels by making man be able to compete fully in the market. Division of labor has improved productivity globally, hence, the level of food products and other products has increased (Smith, 1997). This has helped to minimize food crisis. Globalization has also empowered countries to develop economically. By this, some countries like the United States of America have managed to evade a financial crisis. Sustainability crisis has also been characterized by increase in poverty levels. However, through globalization, the millennium development goals that were arrived at through a globalization process, poverty level has decreased significantly over the years (McKinnon,

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