Suspense In Jaws Directed By Steven Spielberg

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Jaws Essay The movie ‘Jaws’, directed by Steven Spielberg is a thriller, based on Peter Benchley’s novel, about a great white shark roaming the waters at Amity Island and attacking people. The film is set around the 4th of July, and as it is a public holiday many shopkeepers don’t want to close the beach since the 4th of July is so important and popular. Around this time is when they make a lot of their profit because Amity Island is a popular place and many people come and swim at their beach. During the opening sequence, the audience sees from the shark’s point of view, as it swims through the reeds. The music begins quietly and very slowly which introduces the idea of suspense and shows that the waters aren’t so safe. The music is slow …show more content…

It starts with the girl running into the water. There is no music, which leaves us with an ominous feeling. It is the calm before the storm. Music starts and gradually builds louder, reminding you that something is in the water. Once again we see from the sharks point of view. The editing gets faster, switching between under the water and above; where the girl is swimming. This is effective because we realise that the shark isn’t just swimming, it’s coming for Chrissy and she is completely unsuspecting. The music gets more and more intense until she is attacked. During her attack, the camera cuts back and forth from her to the boy slumped on the beach, totally unaware. This shuts down the hope of Chrissy being saved. Then there is silence, only the waves crashing on the beach, letting the audience know it’s …show more content…

The scene starts with a busy beach and many people in the water. There is lots of patrol around so everyone is “safe”. The atmosphere is happy and bright. Then the camera cuts to the familiar underwater shot, which we instantly connect with the shark. However this time the music that we normally associate with the shark, doesn’t play. This slightly confuses the audience but nonetheless we still anticipate an attack. A black fin is clearly seen swimming which confirms our assumptions of the shark coming back. The patrol notices the fin quickly and alerts everyone. Whistles blow loudly and lifeguards shout for everyone to get out of the ocean. The tension instantly rises and everyone is on red alert. We start to wonder who is going to get caught, who will be too slow getting out of the water and will be attacked. Just as the suspense and tension is peaking, it is revealed that the “shark” was actually two boys wearing a fake black fin. There is evident relief all

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