Survival- Original Writing

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Survival- Original Writing The sweltering jungle felt like a death trap; it was infested with venomous species of plants and animals. The humidity was intolerable. All I had was a small bottle of water, and a tiny, partly eaten, bar of chocolate. I had lost my main supply in the trees earlier, when I missed my landing target. I didn’t feel secure; yet I had no choice to continue. It was life or death for now, it was survival. I was mentally ill equipped for this alien world. I became more aware of strains and sores. I felt as if my rucksack was gradually beginning to eat away at my arms as if it was a highly potent acid and as if my feet were tightly compacted into my boots. Every step I took, I feared the Vietcong would find me, soon, and then the gruesome, merciless torture and public humiliation would begin. I began to think my eventual capture was inevitable. After I fiddled with my GPS to get it operational, it somehow managed to force its way out of my hands, as if by its own will, into a small pool of stagnant water. When I reached into the pool I found my GPS, it had malfunctioned so I was forced to bury it, to leave no trace for enemy detection. The canopy was alive with activity and shrills of excitement resounded throughout the jungle. On the forest floor insects swarmed like a carpet on the move. They ceaselessly foraged for food. I was a banquet to them. They were hunting me for their survival, but I would certainly not give up to their will. The pests grew persistently inquisitive and began to crawl up my legs taking chunks of my skin with them. I had to continually shake them off and crush them underneath my boot,... ... middle of paper ... ...felt weak as the current dragged me downstream, I persevered but I felt it was all in vein. I continued to battle against the current and at long last managed to grasp a clump of mud from the bank with my fingernails. I drew myself inward however I couldn’t gather the strength to climb. The combined resonating noise of several semi-automatic weapons blasted from nearby, my saving grace had arrived. I yelped like a lost puppy out to them, but the roaring gunfire was too thunderous. I mustered up all my residual energy for one last call. I took a deep breath and bellowed out for help. The shriek reverberated all around and eventually I felt someone clasp onto my arm and heave me out off the water. I was carefully lowered onto a stretcher and transported towards to the helicopter, where I lost consciousness from the pain.

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