Survival In Auschwitz By Levi Primo Summary

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In the story “Survival In Auschwitz” by Levi Primo. Moral thoughts during the holocaust were proven to be adaptable during extreme circumstances. In the camps the Jews were treated as if they were animals as a result animalistic behavior was adapted, being human did not exist behind the barbed wires of the camp. In order to survive in Auschwitz also viewed as hell one has to lose their self respect and human dignity.

What was Levis Moral adaptation during his experience In Auschwitz? In ¨Survival in Auschwitz¨ Levi shows that in order to keep one's mental sanity. One has to focus on small distractions and never hope or show any desire. Showing any desire or hope would result as a mental death sentence in the lager, because no desire would be fulfilled. Therefore hoping for food in Auschwitz would lead to mental torture. So to survive one has to set unrealistic goals for example surviving until winter. “ Even in this place one can survive, and therefore one must want to survive, to tell the story, to bear witness; we must force ourselves to save at least a …show more content…

Levi learns this from a man named Lorenzo he says that Lorenzo’s "humanity was pure and uncontaminated" and that because of him he managed not to forget that [he himself] was a man" (survival in Auschwitz by Levi primo) . Lorenzo was also an Italian man but a civilian worker and not a prisoner. Although Lorenzo could get punished for helping Levi. Lorenzo helps Levi without ever asking anything in return. Lorenzo risks his own life to provide Levi with extra soup, he teaches him about compassion and kindness. Lorenzo gives him a valuable lesson in cleanliness, which was a way to keep one's standard of civilization. And not buying into self dehumanization which the Nazis used to train the jews into losing their self-worth and

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