Supporting Family Values By Linda Chavez Summary

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Walking across a dessert to a place where you know your family is going to have a better life and better opportunities. You can just see it as you are getting closer to where your destination is but what is that destination well in Linda Chavez writing “Supporting Family Values” it is the United States of America. Chavez writing is not just about illegal immigrants in the U.S. but also the they family values are not what most people think. “Supporting Family Values” talks about when illegal immigrants come into the United States their families get jobs, a home, pay taxes and also paying fines, so their families are not as different as ours. Chavez states “But among the illegal population, 47% of households consist of a mother, a father, …show more content…

Before answering this question first, we need to understand Linda Chavez was born in Albuquerque, New Mexico but now lives in American so she is considered Spanish American, and also she is a liberal. So her opinion is going to be somewhat the same as a liberals views, but because she is Spanish American she has some different opinion on illegal immigrants. So why did she bothered to write about this topic because illegal immigrants happened in the 2009 and is still happening today. Also she has Experience with this topic because she is Spanish American. What she was hoping would happen is for her reader to see that illegal immigrants are not as different from native-born and immigrants may have better family values that us. After reading her writing she wanted her readers to be aware of this situation happening around them and how immigrants are not what everyone thinks. In the texts we can see this because the percent of the both parents in a household was higher with immigrants than native-born. She also states that a lot of illegal immigrants are hard works but people may say that illegal immigrants are “lazy” and she shows us this with percents “ Nearly half of illegal immigrants between the ages of 18 and 24 who have graduated from high school attend college. A surprising 25% of illegal immigrants adults have at least some college, with 15% having completed college.” (Kennedy, 525). Linda Chavez would not see these percents and think that illegal immigrants are

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