Superstitious Activities In The Crucible

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Witchcraft, black magic, and other superstitious activities have been a prodigious mystery in society for thousands of years. People have always questioned whether such activities really exist, even till this date. But, one group of people called the Puritans were strict believers in these types of superstitious activities. The Puritans had a harsher interpretation of the Bible in comparison to the other Christian groups. For the Puritans, their primary duty was towards the church. They believed that nothing was possible without the guidance of the church, which is why they had a theocracy government. However, it was not the most benevolent and just government. Many problems occurred in this government: there was always greed for power, many …show more content…

First, Parris, the minster of Salem, is attached to his post and fears that he will lose his post if any of his family members are proven guilty of witchcraft. This is why Parris resorts to lies in order to hide the truth. For example, when Proctor mentions that Parris discovered Abigail and the girls dancing at night naked then Parris says “I can only say, sir, that I never found any of them naked, and this man is (Miller 105) –“. In the beginning of the story, Parris claimed that he had found the girls dancing naked: “Aye, a dress. And I thought I saw - someone naked running through the trees”, but now he lies in order to hide the truth (Miller 11). But Parris is not the only man who is committing unrighteous deeds, even Hale commits an unrighteous deed at the end of the novel. When Proctor was not confessing that he was the Devil’s man, Hale tries to persuade him into confessing a crime that he did not even commit: . “Let him give his lie (Miller 132).” Before, Hale claimed that “His goal is light, goodness and its preservation” but now he is falling towards the path of darkness because if Proctor lies than his name will be tarnished in society and the society will murder more and more people for such superstitious crimes (Miller 36). Many innocent people such as Rebecca have also been murdered because they were accused

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