Supersonic Aircraft Advantages And Disadvantages

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Concorde or concord is a great airplane and majestic in the golden age of passenger aircraft services for a wide range of advantages on this aircraft. This aircraft greatness cannot be denied that there is more to the advantage of the whole country and not able to compete with the greatness of this aircraft. Cooperation between the two countries to make a profit when the invention of the airplane, and the country is able to improve the quality of their country in the eyes of the world. Technology that the country is quite encouraging because it transcends progress in other countries, as well as their talent wise and clever enough to be able to create this Concorde aircraft. Concorde has its own advantages that we can ascertain.

Great designers and manufacturing experience

advantage that we can see is the great aspects of designers and manufacturing experience which can in the great job classification. This fabulous creation is seen in the design of the engine, as well as materials used to prepare the aircraft that can travel at the speed of a supersonic. there has never been another creation of a supersonic aircraft to carry passengers to a destination for a supersonic aircraft are just used to carry bombs and fighter jets.
A in November 1962, the British and French governments agreed to develop and build a supersonic aircraft. Each design presents an aerodynamic supersonic aircraft with a range of difficult problems, including two that have the highest interest powerplant installation and design of subsonic aircraft. supersonic speed because it is there are many configuration changes have been introduced, particularly in the areas of the nose and visor, rear wing and fuselage. the head of...

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...rançois Mitterrand regularly used the Concorde as French flagman aircraft in foreign visits. British Queen Elizabeth II and Prime Ministers Edward Heath, Jim Callaghan, Margaret Thatcher, John Major, Tony Blair took the Concorde in some charter flights such as Queen's trips to Barbados on her Silver Jubilee in 1977, in 1987 and in 2003, to Middle East in 1984, to the United States in 1991, etc.
The Concorde sometimes made special flights for its demonstration, for exhibit on airshows (Farnborough, Paris-LeBourget, MAKS, etc.) and other expositions, for taking part in parades and celebrations (as ex., of Zürich airport anniversary in 1998), for private charters (as ex., many times by President of Zaire Mobutu Sese Seko), for promo-advertising of companies (OKI, etc.), for Olympic torch relays (1992 Winter Olympics in Albertville), for observing of solar eclipse, etc.

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