Superman And Me By Sherman Alexie Summary

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Intelligence is a tool a plethora of uses. It can be used to help people out or it can destroy humanity. It can also help a person in bondage find ways out of out. Ignorance is bliss but it’s easier to control a bunch of buffoons than a bevy of intellects. Reading rips open the doors to knowledge that can help break the shackles of ignorance in a way “saving lives.(paragraph 8)” In Sherman Alexie’s “The Joy of Reading and Writing: Superman and Me” he tells his story of his journey through life and how reading saved his life and made him dangerous to the authority higher than him due to being able to think independently from them. The reason “a smart indian is a dangerous person, (paragraph 6)” is that they can find out how unfair how society is to the native americans through reading articles, media and other Being in the bondage of ignorance prevents people from achieving what they want in life or even figuring out what they want to do with their life. Education opens up new options of different lives they can live. Sherman Alexie becoming a writer helps bring more reading material to another audience, in turn, contributing to saving lives through reading. Knowledge is power in society and to survive, you need at a bit to not be chewed out from society. When Alexie says, “I am to save our lives, (paragraph 8)” he is trying to motivate the readers to educate themselves and save their lives. He writes books to help contribute to the good literature out there saving lives. Giving people in society the tools of reading gives them an opportunity at knowledge and dangerous people in general due to being able to think for himself, but they are especially dangerous people in power who want to exploit people. Reading and becoming intelligent can break the ignorance bonds that the authority is trying to control them with and help that person to live a full

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