Super Bowl Advertisement Summary

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Carl’s Jr. is known for its racy ads featuring scarcely clothed women and 2015’s Super Bowl ad for the chain’s all-natural burger was no exception. It displayed an almost naked Charlotte McKinney, and the ad almost immediately provoked cries of sexism and many Americans found the advertisement to be offensive. Super Bowl commercials are generally eye-popping or ear-dropping, from the things that are displayed or said in these specific commercials. Companies use the commercials as a way to be extreme with their advertisements. Many Super Bowl commercials are very controversial as this advertisement was. The commercial was extremely sexist, racist, and obscene making a major impact on viewers of all ages. The biggest concern with the Too Hot for TV commercial was that it was very sexist towards women. In the commercial, it shows a very attractive younger woman in a bikini top and very small shorts and you cannot tell that she is wearing that amount of clothing until the very end. In the beginning, they continuously would cover her major female reproductive parts with the fruits and vegetables giving the impression that the young woman was nude. This is an example of pathos because when viewing the commercial, not only will advocates for feminism be offended, but the general population of women are …show more content…

If a parent allows their child to watch TV and sees something this obscene, it gives off a bad message towards children who may or may not understand what is going on. When showing obscene shots in a commercial, it gives off the idea that there is obscenity inside Carl Jr.’s restaurants. This gives a bad reputation for families to want to eat there. The level of obscenity in the commercial is not only bad for children, but also offensive to conservatives. Conservatives feel very strongly about being covered up and respecting their own bodies enough to make sure they are presentable in all

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