Summary: Threats To Free Speech On College Campuses

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On November 15th I attended the CHASS event, “Liberty in Peril: Threats to Free Speech on Campus”. I learned the Foundation for Individual Rights in Education (FIRE) was formed when political correctness was getting out of control on college campuses and it’s known for rating speech codes at colleges across the nation. I learned what speech codes are. Speech codes are punishments that apply if a student or faculty member says something on campus they’re not supposed to, but they can say it off campus without punishment. I discovered NCSU has a yellow speech code rating, which means we have at least one ambiguous policy that easily encourages administrative abuse and arbitrary application. Mr. Shibley explained the 6 groups of people that have political interference threatening free speech. Political interference comes from, administrators, the public, trustees, faculty, politicians, and students. What I noticed about myself was how little I knew about free speech cautions that students and professors need to have on college campuses and how many cases universities nationwide have handled regarding threats to free …show more content…

I learned how creative expression can relieve stress and clear minds more than I thought, as well as the benefits I can gain from participating in something artistic. What I noticed about myself was my original negative attitude changed to a positive one as I created my collage of quotes. When I was leaving I felt reenergized and ready to start working on my assignments again. I felt more balanced again. What I noticed about our community was all the students there had at least one thing they were stressed about, but during the free expression session they were relaxed and appeared to enjoy whatever they were creating. I also noticed the Counseling Center staff encouraged and included all participates to make whatever they feel like will benefit them the

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