Summary: The Obligation To Endure

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With our growing population scientist are trying to develop more and more ways to help sustain our food production to keep up. There are many insects and plants that are harmful to our crops. Pesticides and herbicides are developed so that we can safeguard our food production and keep up with our needs. Our reckless use of pesticides and herbicides are not doing as intended because of the evolution of bugs and other organisms that are resistant to them. nature is forever adapting to the challenges that we force upon it,it is a waste of time and resources fighting it.
In “The Obligation to Endure” by Rachel Carson, she talks about the widespread use of pesticides, and others like it, to kill everything from insects, weeds, and rodents. the chemicals in the pesticides are not just harmful to insects, but are in fact indiscriminate and are harmful to all beings that come in contact with it. the “pests” and “weeds” that they designed to kill are also food sources for other animal. some species are dying off because their food source is gone. Eventually, through natural selection, there is a species that forms a resistance to the pesticides. Everytime resistance is formed a deadlier
The Monarch Butterfly larvae only food source is the milkweed, which are considered a weed by most farmers and are being killed by the use of herbicides. Milkweeds are not just the food source for the larvae but it is also their home until they turn into an adult. Due to the use of herbicides the monarch larvae have lost both their only food and home, there has been a 90% decline of monarchs since the past 20 years. The monarchs are important species to the ecosystem because of their duties as a pollinator, they help pollinate many flowers in the wild. The herbicides are not just killing off a weed they are causing a species to die off from the face of the

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