Summary Of 'Weed' By Sanjay Gupta

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Journal answer for Sanjay Gupta’s “weed” part 1 Sanjay Gupta is an American Neurosurgeon and he is best known as CNN’s multiple Emmy Award-winning chief medical correspondent. As a neurosurgeon and award winning journalist, Sanjay Gupta is more qualified to write on this subject matter. The research question Dr Sanjay Gupta posed is that, Is Marijuana bad for you ? Or could pot actually be good for you ? What does Marijuana do to you? What does Marijuana do to your kids ? Dr Gupta looks like he never smoke Marijuana at least in the documentary, although he had the chance to try it at numerous occasions while traveling around the world looking for answers for his questions. He looks unbiased to me. He asked those who oppose the legalization

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