Summary Of Thorstein Veblen's Theory Of The Leisure Class

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“And it is even more to the point that property now becomes the most easily recognized evidence of a reputable degree of success as distinguished from heroic or signal achievement.” Thorstein Veblen, Theory Of The Leisure Class, Pages 271 lines 57-59 In this quote, Veblen discusses how property is a representation of external things that can show the success achieved by an individual or where they are in life. The use of luxury goods can show off a person success and flaunt their wealth. He states that its possession in some amount becomes necessary and a conventional basis of reputability. In the business world today people find luxuries goods as reward for being successful. The physical appeal of luxury goods in undeniable. For example, if a business person drives a Mercedes or BMW around, it implies to others the he/she is successful, wealthy or that they have made it to the top in a career that supports their luxuries lifestyle. In a business standpoint everyone is constantly motivated to “make it “ so that they can purchase nice things. Nothing can motivate an employer's more that something they can show for it and have earned it. Another example can be business offices and their location. Businesses who are on the top floor of a skyscraper building are know to be successful and …show more content…

He emphasizes the importance of telling not just what is required by law or custom, but all the you know. In summary, he advises the importance that we should always do the right things and to play to win not cheat. His theme implies that people should act according to their morals. His description of “appearance of expediency” is someone who puts up a false front and in order to do things the fastest way. Cicero claims that businesses should operate in a truthful and honest matter according to their morals and not the easiest and fastest way to achieve

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