Summary Of The Setting Of Harry Potter And The Sorcerer's Stone

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TITLE: Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone
AUTHOR: J.K. Rowling
SETTING: The story has more than one setting first it starts in a suburb of London sometime in the summer. Later on the story moves around from hotels to huts. After that the story reaches its main setting point sometime in September its location is somewhere in Scotland and its Hogwarts School of witchcraft and wizardry. And the next 9 months of the story are set here.

The Dursleys seemed as a very ordinary family the wore ordinary clothes and were ordinary people but they had one big secret. They had in their house a kid who had magical parents whose mother was the sister of Mrs.Dursley. Harry’s life with the Dursleys was terrible they bullied him, they gave him leftovers to eat, and they even let him sleep in the cupboard under the stairs. Many times weird things that couldn’t be explained happened with Harry . But now it was Dudleys birthday so the family having no other place to leave Harry take him to. There while he was in a mysterious way in the reptile house he opened the boa glass. After coming he gets letters which he isn’t even aloud to read with the fact that his uncle takes them all from him. One day the letter come in such a big quantity that The Dursleys decide to go to a hotel where to uncle Vernon’s surprise the Dursleys start getting letter again. Not being able to take it anymore Vernon finds a house on a small rocky island. But when the clock strikes Midnight (Which was harry birthday) The door goes down and a Giant man comes with a pink umbrella. Who says his name is Hagrid and that he works at Hogwarts. He said that he was there to take harry to study at Hogwarts, but his uncle refuses saying that magical is typical nonsense. Harry ag...

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...eper at Hogwarts spoke in a thick accent
Ex. Yeh don` know them gargoyles at the committee fer the disposal o’ Dangerous Creatures.
Harry also uses some examples with local coloring also when he says Hullo or Er which are typical accent talks on the island of Great Britain.

This novel was full of suspense and also left you wanting to foreshadow the coming events. But the foreshadowing that stands out the most in this story is the one that Snape is the person responsible for the happenings, but this story has a twist ending when it turns out that Quirell is the one responsible for the happenings and turns out that Snape was trying to protect Harry. You could foreshadow also what would happen in the sorting ceremony When Harry was begging the sorting hat not to put him in the Slytherin house which was the sorting hats original purpose.

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