Summary Of The Old Man And The Sea By Ernest Hemingway

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Never Give Up The Old Man and the Sea by Ernest Hemingway was written as Hemingway 's comeback book. Hemingway was a great writer, according to “11 Facts About Hemingway’s The Old Man and the Sea”, written by the website mental floss, before The Old Man and the Sea his last best book was For Whom the Bell Tolls which was written in 1940. Hemingway went a decade before he wrote and had another book published. In 1950 Hemingway published Across the River and Into The Trees, but it was not very good so people said that Hemingway was done with his years of good writing. In 1952 Hemingway published The Old Man and the Sea and it was his comeback book. Throughout the book, Hemingway uses Santiago and his long time out in the sea to show that it is important to never give up. In The Old Man and the Sea by Ernest Hemingway, Santiago has gone eighty four days without catching a fish. He decides he is going to go as far out in the water as he needs to catch the biggest fish he can find. Santiago 's friend Manolin is a boy who loves Santiago and does everything he can to help take care of him. Manolin helps Santiago get everything ready for Santiago 's big trip out into the sea. When Santiago takes of Manolin can not go with him. As Santiago is moving through the sea …show more content…

The main arguments in this source is the old man 's dependents on the boy, feminizing the sea and the respectful engagement of its feminine presents, and Interspecies kinship—brotherhood between man and animals, as well as with nature. The purpose of this source is to show the reasons why the old man feels defeat with old age. This source relates to The Old Man and the Sea because many times throughout the novel when Santiago was in the sea, he wished Manolin was there to help him because he has a rough time doing some things nowadays, but his old age still does not stop him from catching that

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