Summary Of The Land Ethic By Aldo Leopold

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The most important reading was The Land Ethic by Aldo Leopold. This reading gave a clear overview of the land and how it should be viewed by society. I feel this reading provides a strong basis for the other works read during this semester and set the tone on how land and nature should be viewed. If everyone learned and accepted this land ethic that Aldo Leopold is proposing the ecological crisis wouldn’t be as significant, if at all apparent, today. His first point about the land ethic employs people’s beliefs in community. Leopold explains how “The land ethic simply enlarges the boundaries of the community to include soils, waters, plants, and animals, or collectively; the land.” The ways he explains this puts this in simple terms that everyone should understand. Simplicity is important when trying to invoke change because without simplicity the information, solution, may be overlooked as something too complicated to implement. The community is a well-oiled machine that everyone contributes to by doing their part. Leopold is simply stating that in order to help …show more content…

This reading, or an updated version, is something everyone should be required to read and at least consider the possibilities it entails. The ecosystem is an irreplaceable aspect to our society and people need to begin to realize the damage that is being caused by not understanding the harm they are enacting on the ecosystem. The ecosystem does adapt to change but what happens when the change caused is too violent for the ecosystem to manage, and it crumbles? I hope it never gets to this point and the more people who understand that without change the deterioration of the ecosystem is inevitable, the faster society can get on the correct track and amend the damage caused to the environment. It is time for people to stop being selfish and understand there is more to our society than

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