Summary Of 'The Hollow Of The Three Hills' By Nathaniel Hawthorne

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Author’s Background-Nathaniel Hawthorne was born in Salem, Massachusetts in 1804. He lost He was an only son of was the only son of Nathaniel and Elizabeth Clark Hawthorne. His father died in 1808 and after that tragedy moved in with her mother’s Elizabeth brothers. A leg injury left Nathaniel immobile for some moths and that lead him to become a writer. With help from his uncles he attended Bowdoin College from 1821 to 1825. After his graduation Nathaniel returned home to his family and began writing. He published “The Hollow of the Three Hills” and “An Old Woman’s Tale” and continued to do so throughout the upcoming years. He got married to Sophia in July 9, 1842. He had three children throughout is life. And after not attempting to find medical help he died in his sleep in May 19, 1864. Summary of Text-One day, Mr. Hooper unexpectedly started to wear veil over his face without giving anyone a reason. His fiancé approaches him normally but after exchanging word with him begins to fear him and breaks up with him. The people begin to murmur about the sudden change in …show more content…

Characters/include characterization: Mr. Hooper- He is the protagonist of the story. He suddenly starts to wear a veil without giving anyone an explanation. He is kind and loving man that suffers from the isolation from wearing the black veil. Elizabeth-She is Hooper’s fiancé at the beginning of the story but ends up breaking up with him. Throughout the story she remains in love with him and takes care of him when he becomes sick. The young woman- The woman that is being buried when Hopper starts to wear the veil. Mr. Joseph-He is a clergyman that also wears a veil. It is suggested that he wears a veil for a different reason. It’s suggested that he wears the veil because he accidently killed his friend. Reverent Clark- He is the priest from the near town of Westbury. He is the man standing beside Hopper when he

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