Summary Of The Book 'Dumplin' By Willowdean

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In the book “Dumplin’,” the main character, Willowdean, has always felt comfortable with herself, despite the fact that she is overweight. She believed that a “bikini body” is achieved when someone puts a bikini on. When she auditions for a beauty pageant, she accomplishes something that truly makes her happy. She feels beatific and comfortable glammed up for a pageant. This happiness of hers leads to something fantastic. In high school, many girls are prone to being insecure. At Willowdean’s school in “Dumplin’” a change is sparked with Will’s involvement in the beauty pageant. Insecure girls at her school believe Will is an inspiration. They follow her lead and also sign up to strut their stuff. outside of the book, girls can read and

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