Summary Of Stanton T. Friedman's Captured ! The Betty Hill UFO Experience

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Stanton T. Friedman is a nuclear physicist, a lecturer and a UFO researcher. He published more than 90 papers about flying saucers and “has appeared on hundreds of radio and TV programs including on Larry King in 2007 and twice in 2008, and many documentaries” (Blinn). Friedman also wrote a book, “Captured! The Betty and Barney Hill UFO Experience”, with Kathleen Marden (Betty Hill’s niece), in which they support the idea that we can rely on Betty Hill’s statements about her abduction. First, a few days after the sighting, Betty called her sister Janet who had seen an unconventional craft a few years earlier. Janet, after she consulted a physicist, told her sister to take a compass and place it near the car’s surface. Betty wrote her observations …show more content…

To be sure she was doing the experiment correctly, Betty asked Barney and his friend to do exactly as she did and they both obtained the same result. Frightened, Betty was starting to think her car was radioactive because of the touch of extraterrestrials. A few weeks later, Barney and his wife decided to go to a short journey to the White Mountains to let go of the stress they were feeling. When they came back, the couple were welcomed with “a pile of dried brown leaves in the center of their table” (Friedman 58). While cleaning up, they were surprise to found Betty’s blue earrings, the ones she wore the night of the abduction. She never realized she had lost them in the first place, it scared her to know that her abductors knew where she lived. However, the most surprising thing that happened after the encountered with the UFO is when Betty draw a star map. She told the investigators she saw this map

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