Summary Of Short Story 'The Truth About Sharks'

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As Stephen Covey once declared, “Just as we develop our physical muscles through overcoming opposition- such as lifting weight- we develop our character muscles by overcoming challenges and adversity.” This may seem like no sweat, but in reality it is laborious to do. Nevertheless, there are many people who embody this quote in our everyday lives and even in literature. The short story The Truth About Sharks by Joan Bauer, depicts such a person. In this anecdote, the experience that the protagonist, Beth faced, taught her to stand up for herself and therefore feel empowered. She went from a sullen teenager who was unable to stand up to her uncle and one who felt insecure in the shadow of her cousin, to someone with the confidence to rise above. The Truth About Sharks portrays a vital change that happened to Beth as a result of her being falsely accused of shoplifting and the challenges she faced to clear her name. This article renders a dynamic change that occurred in the main character, Beth who demonstrated the theme stand up for what you think is right. The story begins with Beth feeling upset and complaining to her mother about …show more content…

Unfortunately, the pants she tried on did not fit requiring her to leave the changing room to look for another size. While she was looking for another pair a rude, unprofessional security guard confronted her and accused her for shoplifting. “A cold fear swept through”(36) Beth and she was unable to stand up for herself. The security guard did not listen to her explanation and called the police to take her away. It is when she away in the Police Car when she undergoes her transformation. At the beginning of the ride she asks the policeman “Officer, I am really scared and I don’t know what else to do. Would you let me try to prove I’m innocent?” (39). Fortunately for Beth the officer gives her a chance to prove her innocence and takes her back to the

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