Summary Of Predator And Prey Interactions

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Predator and prey interactions play a huge role in the ecosystem. Introducing prey to predication can alter prey behaviors. The prey have developed mechanisms and traits that allow them to better survive when faced with predators. When predators are present in an environment, they give off chemical or acoustic cues that their prey sense. By analyzing this communication, prey then are able to alter their behavior so they are less likely to be consumed by their predators. When Crabs detect and interpret their predators’ communication cues, they are able to determine predator characteristics like threat and size (Hill and Weissburg 2013). Crabs then alter their anti-predatory and foraging behavior in respect to the information they are able to …show more content…

Mud Crabs use chemical communication cues to judge predator threats. By analyzing the qualitative and quantitative properties of the chemical cues given off by predicators, crabs are able to determine certain characteristics about their predators that will help them assess the levels of threat associated with that particular predator. Qualitative chemical cues allows crabs to tell the difference between different predators and also distinguish between different predator diets. Hill and Wissburg’s (2014) experiment showed Mud Crabs were less prominent on reefs where Blue Crabs ate a diet consisting mostly of Mud Crabs rather than reefs where Blue Crabs fed on oysters instead. Quantitative differences in chemical cues allow prey to determine the intensity of predator threat. Predator threat can be determined by crabs through chemosensory cues. Crabs use chemical communication to detect the concentrations of chemical cues given off by predators through quantitative analysis. High concentrations may indicate predators are close so crabs take cover. Also, concentrations allow prey to distinguish between predator sizes. Higher concentration of chemical cues is given off by larger predators who eat more prey while smaller predators give off lower …show more content…

Often when crabs are injured they emit chemical cues to their surroundings that let other crabs know of a threat and also in search of help from other members of their species (Hill and Weissburg 2013). These conspecifics allow crabs to sense threat in an environment when they process the chemical cues the injured crabs give off. The crabs then respond accordingly to these cues whether it be the retreat to shelter or the answer what may be called a stress call, given off with the eminence of chemical cues by conspecifics (Hill and Weissburg

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