Summary Of Peeta In Cry's Games '

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Peeta’s number one priority throughout the Games was to protect Katniss, and he has gone to some extreme lengths to accomplish this. The riskiest and most offensive of which was becoming allies with the Careers in order to set them off her trail. Though this was a bold move on his behalf, it allowed him to gain an understanding about who they were, but made Katniss feel as if Peeta betrayed her. Peeta first reveals his strategy when he screams “‘Are you mad?’…’Run!’” at Katniss (Collins 193). Here, he was willing to face Cato’s wrath himself rather than let him attack Katniss. Peeta was using his position as a member of the Careers’ alliance to prove to them that they are not the most cunning in the Games. This was a pivotal turning point …show more content…

His consistent personality has been described, and seen, as someone who is very emotional, not offensive or aggressive, but still willing to help anyone in a difficult situation. If Peeta was only analyzed by this one scene rather than observed throughout the story, he could be easily be made out as a traitor and very aggressive. He betrayed Cato and the other Careers when he helped Katniss which could demonstrate his instability in maintaining a loyal alliance. Additionally, he not only made sure Katniss escaped, but also attacked Cato so there was no chance of him getting her. This is where he definitively displayed an offensive side for the first time in the book. Katniss also viewed him as a traitor at the beginning of this scene. Due to the fact that he had a spear in his hand as a weapon, Katniss “wait[ed] for the blow” which was never received (Collins 193). Just the fact that she would expect Peeta, a boy that claims to be madly in love with her, to kill her in that situation shows how little faith she put in his actual loyalty. However, Peeta blatantly proved her wrong when he risked his life to save hers. In maintaining this last part of his personality, Peeta displays that he is still adhering to the person he was before he underwent the hardships of the Hunger

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