Summary Of Nella Larsen's Quicksand

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The definition of home is: the place where one lives permanently. Home is a place where one feels accepted, loved, and comfortable enough to be themselves completely. In Nella Larsen’s “Quicksand”, main character Helga is a bi-racial woman in the 1920’s who struggles internally with where she feels she belongs and where she can call home. Throughout the entire novel Helga moves to many different places to try and feel at home. In the society that Helga is cursed to have to live in, biracial people are not common and rarely accepted in many communities. Personally I don’t feel like Helga would have ever found a place to call her real home, using the definition where home is a permanent place to comfortably live, where she would chose to stay …show more content…

There certainly was a divide between the two races, but now it was more of a passive aggressive approach. Biracial coupling and children were especially uncommon in this time, therefore society didn’t know how to react to it. Since it was so uncommon, society decided that if you weren’t a part of the norm, you wouldn’t be treated that way. The normal was to be of one race and to grow up, live, and die within the community of that race. Helga being from a mixed background did not fit it or conform to society’s norm in “Quicksand”. In Helga’s perfect world she would like to live in a community of both white and black people, and eventually hope that in the new generation would be a breed of mixed children like herself. Unfortunately this was not the society Helga was born into, therefore she could never find a true place to call home. She would move back and forth between both races. When she lives among blacks, she longs to experience the white side of her soul, but when she lives among whites, she misses being around black people. For this reason, Helga is always tempted to leave her current residence to go someplace else. Eventually Helga begins to give in to society out of exhaustion from trying to reject and break its rules. Larsen reveals this by writing “And after a little while she gave herself up wholly to the fascinating business of being seen, gaped at, desired.” Larsen is telling us how Helga gives in to society, even if it is in a seemingly positive light, she is depicting for us, her surrender to society and it’s rules. Once she realizes that she is giving in, she does all she can to try and escape doing that again. Although she tries to escape society’s claws and find herself a home, she discovers it is a lot more difficult that it was when she was

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