Summary Of Madison's View On The Unequal Distribution Of Property

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In the Federalist Papers, James Madison gives an argument for his idea of “unequal distribution of property” and how the government will be structured to control factions. In Madison’s Federalist Paper number 10, he states, “...the most common and durable source of factions has been the various and unequal distribution of property.” Factions according to Madison is a number of citizens, majority or minority of the whole who is united by a common interest to put it in simple terms. Factions are endless amounts with different goals, outcomes and interests. When factions form it is when a group of people with similar abilities and interests are brought together for one common goal. Sometimes, factions are not in line with public opinion. Factions …show more content…

He claims that another reason for unequal distribution of property is an unequal distribution of faculties. Faculties are either physical or mental abilities that a person has within herself or himself. According to Madison, faculties are genetic and are the natural talents and abilities one can grow in or engage in through the use of education but they are also the talents one is born with. The faculties of the individual are what gives one the right to property. To lead to one’s property, the government promotes the liberties to use one’s faculties. That market gets to decide the pay rate of each depending on what faculties are more valuable than others. If a faculty is viewed more valuable than another, that faculty is paid generously and may obtain more …show more content…

There will always be people who step up to lead the group even if they are not known. The leaders should try and motivate members with their own weaknesses and strengths. It can be seen that the faction disagreements that are most important come from the unequal distribution of property and the distinctions in class that are the base of the unequal distributions of property. Madison knows that the world of Utopia will never exist and therefore human conditions will always be apart of factions. When man cannot be separate from themselves it is difficult for people to lead these factions. With that being said, he believes that is what makes a leader that is true to the

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