Summary Of Kerry's Birthday Murder

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Have you ever wondered how detectives solve a murder case? So far in this book, Lindsay and her team try to figure out clues and connections to who the murderer of the two crime cases could be. One of the unsolved murder cases is a repeating event that Lindsay and her friends call “Claire’s Birthday Murder” and the other case includes three men that rob small stores and then kill the employee working. This book has given me the opportunity to evaluate Lindsay and Joe, predict that Lindsay and her team will find out who the murderer is, and question if the men dressed in police uniforms are actually who they say they are. This book has allowed me to evaluate Lindsay and Joe. Two words that can be used to describe Lindsay are: ambitious and sympathetic. Lindsay finds herself being very ambitious when she …show more content…

☺ (hyphenated modifiers). Three men in SFPD jackets go into smaller markets, rob the store and then murders whoever is working. They set up their robbery by first calling the police to distract them from their crime. One of the three men states that they heard shots half a mile away to force the police to go to a different location. Then once they hear the police sirens they decide to start their robbery. They put on their SFPD windbreakers, masks in their pockets, and guns in their belt. As they walk up to the entrance of the store, they make it seem as if they are police, but the second they get into the store they are no longer police, they are robbers ☺ (simile). They make whoever is working unlock the safe or cash drawer and say, “Everything will be fine. Just do what I say” (Patterson 65). After they get their money, BAM, they shoot the victim and escape, leaving only a dead body and no evidence☺ (onomatopoeia). Lindsay figures that the men are police but she does not know for sure because they are not obeying their job

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