Summary Of Iom's Recommendations For Nursing

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In 2011, The Institute of Medicine (IOM) published its recommendations for how to improve the nursing practice and promote recognition of nursing as a profession. IOM’s report consisted of some key suggestions, such as increasing the proportion of nurses with a bachelor degree, expanding leadership opportunities and nursing leadership development, eliminating barriers to practice to the full extent, and creating an effective workforce that resolves health policy issues (Institute of Medicine [IOM], 2011). Since the power to implement those recommendations does not belong to nurses only, the key suggestions were also addressed to government, health care institutions, organizations, and health care professionals. Together, these groups have the ability to better the nursing profession and support its recognition among public as well as health care industry.
Allowing nurses to practice to their full potential and eliminating scope-of-practice barriers certainly will give the nursing profession recognition and validation. This will let nursing professionals utilize their skills and practice care …show more content…

The opportunities for leadership skills development and mentorship programs should be available for nurses in any specialty. Nurse leaders at the bedside as well as boardroom bring critical skills, coordinate and manage care, advancing community health (Fineberg & Lavizzo-Mourey, 2013). Nurses should be engaged and have a voice in health policy decision making. With advanced leadership programs nurses at all levels will have the competencies to play an active role in leading and implementing changes in the quality of health care (Hickey & Starck, 2012). Strong leadership development will advance the nursing profession and allow it to be recognized as a valuable member within and beyond health care environment (Fineberg & Lavizzo-Mourey,

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