Summary Of India Anette Peyton In Warriors Don 'T Cry'

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India Anette Peyton is the grandmother of Melba Pattillo Beals, she was the biggest figure in Melba's life, and she is a major character in Warriors Don't Cry. If anyone was there to save Melba in a time of predicament, it was her. When Melba was younger and used a white bathroom, India came in and helped her out of there, and she told her to hold her head up high and do not be afraid. India was there to help Melba become stronger, remind the family of God and his miracles, and protect them in peril. During the time that Melba was trying to get into Central High, danger was at its worst. Her house was ambushed often and they received endless threatening calls, but India was not afraid, she was brave. She stayed up countless nights with a gun

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