Summary Of Human Nature And Jewish Thought

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The book “Human Nature and Jewish Thought” from the author Alan Mittleman is one of the bases used in the class Humanity 2.0 to try to reach an understanding about human nature. The book uses the comparison between Jewish tradition and lessons and the western thoughts to dig about the core of the human nature. In the chapter two of the book “Persons in the Image of God”, the author talks about the hybrid nature of the human, and our potential for both good and evil. Mittleman states that the reason for both potentials is the free will and ability to choose. I personally agree with this statement, because I believe that someone can only be truly good when understand the meaning, consequences and reason of the actions of being a good person. Althought, the Jewish tradition says that what motivates the human against the good is the hybrid divine and animal nature. I disagree of this statement, because I believe that what drives people toward for bad actions is the lack of knowledge, and understanding of consequences. …show more content…

Meanwhile, the author compares with the western vision of Plato, which says that, the rational part of the soul is always fighting over the irrational and animal side. This view of evil as being beneficial, by the Jewish tradition, is related to the ability to the human to “build a house, procreate, engage in business, rule and kill the animals”. I believe that this view comes from the Jewish religious thoughts about that cutting a tree and killing other animals to survive is a necessary evil, and that procreation is the original sin after eating the forbidden fruit, because it was when they were aware of their

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