Summary Of Girl Moved To Tears By Onion

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The article, “Girl Moved To Tears By 'Of Mice And Men' Cliffs Notes,” published by The Onion, argues through its satire that people shouldn’t cry over the dry, analyzed parts like the summaries and that they should read the book instead. The type of satire used to develop the thesis is horatian and a satirical device used to develop the thesis is irony. The article is filled with verbal irony with direct quotes from Weaver like “‘I never wanted the synopsis to end’” and from her professor that said, “this was not the first time one of his students has expressed interest in the novel’s plot summary.” The target of the satire are students who read summaries rather than the entire book and the purpose is to encourage students to read the book rather than Cliff Notes to get all the information. The opposing argument is that sources like Sparknotes and Cliff Notes can actually help a student if they don’t understand something they just read or if they are under a time crunch. …show more content…

The type of satire used to develop the thesis is juvenalian and a satirical device used to develop the argument is overstatement. Throughout the article, people who were interviewed for the Duchess’s pregnancy seemed to exaggerate and stated more than they probably knew. The target of satire are teenage mothers and the author wants us to believe that their are actually royal families with the names of “Skeeter” who live in trailer homes. The opposing argument is that royal families can have scandals such as a pregnant teenager where they publicly alienate the victim so it won’t spoil the family’s

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