Summary Of Foreshadowing In Choker By Elizabeth Woods

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Elizabeth Woods integrates the element of foreshadowing into Choker in order to entice the reader and hint towards future events. She does so by providing subtle clues throughout the text, alluding to the fact that Zoe murdered two girls who bullied Cara at school. When investigators arrive at Cara’s home to inform her family of the news, they state, “‘We’ve found a pearl necklace that Alexis’s parents have identified as hers [...] We’ve now shifted the investigation from suicide to a possible abduction’ [...] Cara flashed to the barn. Zoe rolling that little bead of light between her fingers” (Woods 144). Woods foreshadows that Zoe may have something to do with Alexis’s disappearance through “pearl necklace” that once belonged to her. After coming to this realization, Cara begins to link the mysterious “bead of light” that Zoe fiddled with on the night of her “abduction” shorty after an unexpected and unexplained absence on Zoe’s behalf. Given these clues, the reader can begin to formulate a suspicion of Zoe in Alexis’s vanishing. Specifically, at this point in the novel, the audience is aware of the fact that the pearl Zoe held “between her fingers” truly belonged to Alexis and was likely stolen off of her as a keepsake.

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