Summary Of Burt's Bees

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Burt’s Bees Review Burt’s Bees Average Retail Price: $7.64 Lowest Price Online: $5.92* Burt’s Bees Summary Burt’s Bees offers all-natural products for a wide range of use including the Natural Acne Solutions Targeted Spot Treatment and others in the acne line. The Targeted Spot Treatment is “clinically proven” to reduce and improve the appearance of blemishes. Burt's Bees acne medication includes a blend of salicylic acid and natural botanical extracts including tea tree oil and others. Most of the acne products are around $10, making them far less expensive than others in the industry.1 Burt’s is a relatively young company and while it may not do any mass media advertising like many of its competitors, it is still seeing multimillion

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